12 Fundamentals of Great Brand Design

November 11, 2019
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Creating beautiful design is about more than inspiration or a great idea, it’s about understanding the essence of the brand. Here are some key principles for those who want to build a great brand and make life better for those who experience them.

1. Stay classic

Classic doesn’t mean boring and it certainly doesn’t mean old school or stodgy. It does, however, mean being able to stand the test of time.

2. Match the branding to the company

This seems obvious, but everyone has seen a logo that just doesn’t align with what the company does. Let your mission statement and business plan lead the way.

3. Make sure it can’t be confused with other businesses

Sometimes this is unintentional, and other times companies try to ride the coattails of other companies. Get multiple opinions and make sure your branding can’t be easily confused with another company’s.

4. Ensure it works on multiple platforms

Is your branding and logo going to work in print, on smartphones, on billboards and in low quality newspapers? It needs to have mass appeal and be clear enough to not get “lost,” regardless of platform.

5. Stick to no more than two colors

Black and white don’t count, but beyond them only go for one or two additional colors. Anything else is overkill.

6. Less is more

This goes for font choice, color, actual number of lines and everything else. Some of the largest companies have brand designs that are minimal, easy to recognize, and clean.

7. Remember the name is for life

One of the most exciting, yet frustrating things about starting a business is choosing the name. Don’t get swept up in trends. Go with something easy to say, spell, and remember.

8. Keep mottos under seven words

If you’re including a motto in your branding, the “less is more” principle also applies here. Sometimes it’s necessary in order to make it clear what your company does, or simply to wriggle into the heads of consumers. If you do so, keep it short.

9. Leave plenty of white space

White space is free space when it comes to printing, and it also lets your branding breathe. A lump of black and/or colors is unattractive and tough to make out from a distance.

10.  Steer clear of sharp edges

The lines of your branding should almost always be a little softer and smoother. If you go with sharp lines and edges, it can look outdated, unwelcoming, and overly formal.

11.  Choose warm or cool tones carefully

When selecting a color scheme, consider what kind of vibe cool vs. warm tones will suggest. Do you want your audience feeling excited, passionate and fired up—or would you rather they feel relaxed, calm, and collected? Warmth and coolness of tone will dictate that.

12.  Put some of “you” in there

If it’s your company, you deserve to have a little “you” in there. When you can, let your uniqueness leak into your branding. Most importantly, hire a reputable marketing/graphic design team to help you. This is the face of your business and you don’t want it in the hands of a newbie.

Looking for a refreshed Brand design? Get in touch to see how we can help you design the best for your Brand.

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